
An ALT Foundation Initiative


An ALT Foundation Initiative

Accelerating the SDGs in Zambia.

Connecting experts, advocates, policymakers, educators, and entrepreneurs to restore the climate and food security. Building leadership that can adapt to rapidly changing circumstances. Boosting innovation. And creating thriving, equitable economies that empower women and youth. InnoVuntu's pilot project in Zambia is a partnership to create a new, systems-based model for transformative change that leads to better lives and livelihoods.

Our Goals 

Tackle the Climate Crisis

Cultivate systems-based solutions, especially for the women and youth who are hardest hit by the impacts of climate change and inequality but have the fewest resources to bear the burden.

Boost Innovation, Jobs & Livelihoods

Grow jobs that enhance livelihoods and their sustainability by laying the groundwork for developing a healthy, sustainable economy.

Mobilize Investments

Catalyze investments that advance climate restoration, equitable opportunities, sustainable food production and livelihoods, and innovation.

Transform Leadership

Train leaders to adapt to uncertain times, think systemically, and cultivate new, denser, and richer social networks among change agents.

Our Strategy

We invite diverse stakeholders to create a new shared future, and we start by asking a provocative question:

“Imagine it’s now 2031. Zambia has become a leader in climate restoration and its people, economy, and natural systems are thriving. What would have happened and how would we know it?”

Like many countries in sub- Saharan Africa, Zambia is facing a perfect storm heightened by the Covid-19 pandemic. The confluence of exponential population growth, climate-induced food insecurity, and Covid-exacerbated economic hardship has dramatically reduced the nation’s resilience, calling for all hands on deck. There are many experts and many promising initiatives tackling these challenges. Yet they face a long-standing barrier: While Zambia’s challenges are interconnected, the people working on them are not. 
The power of convening diverse stakeholders to create a shared vision for the future using systems-thinking processes responds to the intersectional nature of Zambia’s many challenges. Our provocative question projects stakeholders into an inspiring future not dictated or limited by the past and invites them to generate new policies, practices, and strategies for achieving this future.

The African Leadership Transformation (ALT) Foundation, in partnership with the University of Zambia, is launching InnoVuntu, a project designed to:


What We Do

We invite diverse stakeholders to create a new future, and we start by asking based on a provocative question:


InnoVuntu’s first project is based in Zambia. Like many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Zambia facing a perfect storm heightened by the Covid-19 pandemic. The confluence of exponential population growth, climate-induced food insecurity, and Covid-exacerbated economic hardship has dramatically reduced the nation’s resilience, calling for all hands on deck. There are many experts and many promising initiatives tackling these challenges. Yet they face a long-standing barrier: While the challenges Zambia faces are interconnected, the people working on them are not.
In response, the African Leadership Transformation (ALT) Foundation and the University of Zambia propose to launch InnoVuntu, a project designed to:

  • Identify and convene key stakeholders from Zambia’s government, business, academic, women’s empowerment, youth, media, and agriculture sectors that are working on various aspects of climate change and inequality in a post-Covid-19 context.

  • Artboard 22

    Bring these stakeholders together through a process that enables them to develop a shared vision, and a systems-based set of strategies, for a future Zambia, where people, the environment, and the economy are thriving by 2030.

  • Provide them with a framework and support system to bring that vision about in a timely manner.


About Us 

“Innovuntu,” a project launched by the African Leadership Transformation Foundation, proposes to engage key stakeholders in Zambia’s government, business, academia, women’s empowerment, youth, and agriculture sectors to create a shared vision Zambia’s future – a future where people, the environment, and economy are all thriving. Recognizing that people, the environment, and economy are profoundly interconnected, Innovuntu proposes to use a whole systems-based approach to turn the stakeholders’ vision into an integrated set of strategies for achieving the desired outcomes.

Unveil the Marvellous Undersea


Diving School

In our diving center in Phuket, professional PADI instructors work. After the course you receive a certificate that gives you the right to visit sites for experienced divers.


Diving Tours

A great alternative to a beach lounger. You embark on an exciting adventure with experienced instructors who will help you dive safely and see the underwater world in all its diversity.


Diving Packages

By purchasing a diving package in Phuket, you save a lot! The offers are valid only for the certified divers.


3 Days - 9 Dives

from $ 300

Make the most of your diving experience in Phuket. We will go diving 3 times a day, 3 days in a row, in different nearby places.


Night Dives

from $ 150

Night diving is something you should try. The underwater world is spectacular at night! The offer is only for AOWD divers.


3 Caves -3 Days

from $ 250

For Advanced Divers Only. We go diving to undisclosed caves in the Phuket surroundings. One day - one cave!

Connect with us


34 Forbes Rd, Blairgowrie, Johannesburg, 2194


Monday - Saturday: 11 AM - 9 PM


+27 82 787 4799gro.utnuvonni%40agnamakd

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