Dr. Kabwe Mubanga

Kabwe Mubanga, a lecturer at the University of Zambia, is a climate change specialist under the National Technical Committee for Climate Change and is a member of the core team of climate change negotiators for Zambia. He also sits on the Adaptation and Means of Implementation sub-committees, as well as the National Designated Authority (NDA) sub technical committee for Zambia. Kabwe is also a Director at the Centre for Climate Change Policy and Integrated Research (CCCPiR). He has coordinated the implementation of several projects, including PROSPERO Zambia’s attribution for measuring impacts of Covid-19 on tourism and agriculture sectors, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit’s (DMMU) in-depth vulnerability assessments, and the Third National Communication to UNFCCC, funded by the UN Environment Program’s Global Environment Facility as well as the World Bank-funded TRALARD Project. Kabwe holds a PhD in Environment and Society.